Clay County Connect is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clay County Electric Cooperative Corporation (CCECC) and was established to meet a need of our rural communities—lack of reliable high-speed internet. Rural internet users have been struggling to find a reliable and fast connection for access to the internet. Like electricity, the internet is now a must in most people’s lives. Students need internet access for their education; businesses need internet access to be competitive; and individuals need access to enrich and enhance their lives.
CCECC, organized in 1938, has provided reliable, safe, and affordable electricity to its members for 85 years. With the CCECC mission still going strong, the forward-thinking vision and leadership of CCECC’s Board of Directors approved the decision to form a high-speed broadband internet company, Clay County Connect. Today, Clay County Connect offers fast and reliable internet connections and phone services for our rural communities and ALL CCECC members. The vision of our CCECC leaders believes that bringing reliable broadband to our rural communities will spur economic growth as well as fiber trades in our rural communities.
With 5,000 customers and continuous growth, Clay County Connect has named Matt Miiller as the new General Manager of Clay County Connect. Matt has been with Clay County Electric since 2015 serving as the Manager of Technology. He has played a critical role in getting Clay County Connect up and running. Matt has carried out our mission of getting reliable, local high-speed broadband and phone service to our members just like Clay County Electric with electricity 85 years ago. We look forward to watching Clay County Connect continue to carry out the mission for the years to come.